Friday, February 21.


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    jBPM Not accessible on Host IP

    jBPM Not accessible on Host IP


    jBPM is an open-source workflow engine written in Java that can execute business processes described in BPMN 2.0. jBPM is a toolkit for building business applications to help automate business processes and decisions. jBPM originates from BPM (Business Process Management) but it has evolved to enable users to pick their own path in business automation. It provides various capabilities that simplify and externalize business logic into reusable assets such as cases, processes, decision tables and more.

    When you install jBPM the it binds the services to the localhost. Hence the site is available at "http://localhost:8080/business-central". If you want to bind it to a particular IP address then you need to pass "-b" option while starting the service.

       -b <value>, -b=<value>              Set system property jboss.bind.address
                                            to the given value

    For example if you want to bind  the jBPM service with "" then you need to start the  service as following:

    /opt/jbpm-server-7.38.0.Final-dist/bin/standalone.sh -b=

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